Application preferences : Crop preferences
Crop preferences
This Preferences page allows you to view, add or remove custom crop settings.
Opacity of cropped-out area — sets how dark the removed portion of the image will be shown when the cropping tool is enabled.
Grid sections — sets the number of lines or sections to show in the crop window. Setting this to 3 will create “rule-of-thirds” lines to help visualize your crop, and setting it to 2 will show grid lines through the center of the crop frame.
Show frame — lets you set when to show the crop frame: Always, Never, or only when Dragging the crop window.
Show grid — lets you set when to show the grid: Always, Never, or only when Dragging the crop window.
Show Crop dimensions — lets you hide or display the size and location of the crop in pixels within the crop window.
Add New — opens the Crop Size dialog box so you can create new settings for a crop preset.
Edit Current — opens the Crop Size dialog box so you can edit or rename crop preset settings.
Remove Current — removes the current, highlighted crop preset from the list.