Name | Script Name | Type | Description | Supports None | Default | Minimum | Maximum |
Display Dropper Tooltips | ColorDropperTooltips | Enumeration (Boolean) | Display all color dropper tooltips. | Yes | False | | |
Precise Cursors | PreciseCursors | Enumeration (Boolean) | Use precise cursors. | Yes | False | | |
Show Brush Outlines | BrushOutlines | Enumeration (Boolean) | Show brush outlines. | Yes | False | | |
Cache Merged Graphic | CacheGraphicMerged | Enumeration (Boolean) | Cache a copy of the entire merged graphic | Yes | False | | |
Cache Underlayer | CacheGraphicUnderLayer | Enumeration (Boolean) | Cache the set of layers below the active layer | Yes | False | | |
Cache Merged Groups | CacheGroupMerged | Enumeration (Boolean) | Cache a merged copy of layer groups | Yes | False | | |
Cache Group Underlayer | CacheGroupUnderLayer | Enumeration (Boolean) | Cache the layers in the current group below the active layer | Yes | False | | |
Last File Type Used | LastTypeUsed | Enumeration (Boolean) | Remember last type used in file save-as dialog. | Yes | False | | |
Show Vector Nodes | ShowVectorNodes | Enumeration (Boolean) | Show pen tool handles on raster layer | Yes | False | | |
Thumbnail Size | ThumbnailSize | Integer | Set the thumbnail/preview size. | Yes | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Zoom Quality | ZoomQuality | Integer | Set the zoom/scaling quality factor. | Yes | 0 | 0 | 0 |