Name | Script Name | Type | Description | Supports None | Default | Minimum | Maximum |
Enable Undo Redo | EnableUndo | Enumeration (Boolean) | Boolean switch to turn undo/redo on or off. | Yes | False | | |
Limit Undo Redo Space | LimitStorage | Enumeration (Boolean) | Limit the amount of space allocated to undo/redo. | Yes | False | | |
Undo Redo Storage | Storage | Integer | Amount of megabytes of space allocated to undo/redo. | Yes | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Undo Redo Steps | StepLimit | Integer | The number of steps or operations per image that can be undone/redone. | Yes | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Enable Redo | EnableRedo | Enumeration (Boolean) | If true, then the system redo is turned on. | Yes | False | | |
Limit Undo Redo Steps | LimitSteps | Enumeration (Boolean) | Set a limit to the number of undo/redo steps. | Yes | False | | |
HistoryLimit | HistoryLimit | Integer | The number of history objects allowed for each document | Yes | 0 | 0 | 0 |