Extracting an image from a video clip
You can extract a single frame from a video clip on your computer, and save it as an image. You can also extract a frame from a video clip that has been added to your production.
To extract an image from a video clip:
1 In the Media Selector, browse to the video clip from which you want to extract an image.
2 Right-click the video clip, and choose Extract Image.
The Preview dialog box appears, displaying the selected video clip.
3 Use one of these methods to cue the video to the frame you want to extract as an image:
n Drag the slider left or right to move backward or forward through the video clip.
n Use the Preview controls to move forward or backward through the frames of the video clip.
4 When the image you want to extract is visible in the preview window, click Extract Image.
The Save As dialog box appears.
5 Browse to the location on your hard disk where you want to save the image, enter a name for the file, and then click Save.
6 Click Close to return to the Production Editor.
You can now add the extracted image to your production.
To extract an image from a video clip in your production:
1 In the Production Editor, select the video clip from which you want to extract an image.
2 In the Preview dialog box, use one of these methods to cue the video to the frame you want to extract as an image:
n Drag the slider left or right to move backward or forward through the video clip.
n Use the Preview controls to move forward or backward through the frames of the video clip.
3 When the image you want to extract is visible in the preview window, click Extract Image from Production. (The button with a camera icon.)
4 The Save File As dialog box appears.
5 Browse to the location on your hard disk where you want to save the image, enter a name for the file, and then click Save.
You can now add the extracted image to your production.
See also: