creator>Sound Editor >Save to dialog box
Save to dialog box
Capture Internet Music - Separate Tracks
n Save to: Specify the location of the captured audio by selecting an option from the drop-down list box, or clicking the browse button.
Tip: Select iTunes from the drop-down list box to have your audio tracks exported to your iTunes player.
n Ignore songs shorter than: Select to exclude songs that are shorter than the specified duration of time, in seconds.
n Separate tracks after silence of: Select to create tracks between periods of silence lasting for a specified duration of time, in seconds.
n Do not re-record when song already exists: Select to avoid recording song that already exist in the specified location.
Capture Internet Music - One Track
n Save to: Specify the location of the captured audio by entering a path or by clicking the browse button.
n File name prefix: Audio files will be given the prefix specified in this text box. Type a customized prefix into this text box, or accept the default prefix.
Audio Format
n Format: Select an audio format from the drop-down list box.
Note: When iTunes is selected as the Save to destination, the Audio Format setting automatically changes to AAC. Choose Low, Medium, or High from the Quality drop-down list.
n Quality: Select a level of quality for your audio tracks from the drop-down list box. Choose Low, Medium, or High.