creator>Sound Editor >Filename/Folder Structure dialog box
Filename/Folder Structure dialog box
Some or all of the following options are available when importing audio from the original media (such as an audio CD), or when exporting files.
File name structure
n Enable: Select to create file names using track information from the original media. If you select this option, select the type of track information to be included in the file name (for example, you can choose to create file names that include the artist and the year).
If you choose this option, choose the separator to use (for example, you can choose to use a period—Artist.Year).
Add subfolder structure
n Enable: Select to create a subfolder structure to organize the audio files. If you select this option, select the type of track information to be used to create the subfolder structure. For example, you can organize the audio files by artist and year.
Duplicate file name handling
Select one of the following options to specify what to do if a file with the same name already exists:
n Overwrite the existing file: Replace the existing file with the imported file.
n Leave the existing file and don’t overwrite: Do not import the new file, but leave the existing file.
n Create a new file with a numeric suffix: Leave the existing file, and create a new file with the same name, plus a numeric extension. For example, if the file name is “Track 1”, the new file name would be “Track 1_1”.