creator>Importing video from an HD camera>Importing from an AVC HD camera
Importing from an AVC HD camera
Use the following procedure to copy movie titles from an AVC high definition (HD) camera. An AVC high definition camera records video to a removable device, such as a video disc, mini hard disk, memory card, or flash drive.
Note: The procedure varies slightly, depending on the medium to which your camera records video.
To copy movie titles from an AVC high definition camera:
1 Connect the camera to a USB port on your computer using the supplied cable.
2 If necessary, on the Media Import Home page, click Video.
3 On the Video Import Home page, in the Device drop-down list, select the AVC HD camera. It will be represented in the list as a video disc or removable device.
4 If the camera records to a removable device (such as a mini hard disk, memory card, flash drive), rather than a video disc, click Browse and browse to the root of the medium. Then, click OK.
5 Select the movies to copy.
6 In the Save To box, select the folder in which you want to save the media files.
7 In the Rename Files text box, enter a name for the movie files.
Media Import uses the text you enter to begin the file name for each generated MPEG file. For example, if you enter “Vacation,” the copied files are named “Vacation 00000,” “Vacation 00001” and so on.
8 Click Capture Now.
The movies are copied to the specified folder on the hard disk.