Background Properties
This dialog lets you edit/create a background for your layout. A background is a special type of Smart object. It can be an image, a color, or a combination of both.
You can also create a custom background and apply it to other layouts in your project, or save it as a Style for use in other projects. For more information, see
Creating custom styles.
To add a background color or image:
1 To add an image, select the Use the following image as a background image check box, and then choose one of the following steps:
n Click Browse to locate an image on your hard disk.
2 To use a color as the background for your layout, choose a color from the visible palette, or click More Colors to choose from a larger palette or to create a custom color.
3 Optional: To use the image or color as the background of all the layouts in your project, select the Apply to All Layouts box.
4 Click OK.