creator>Using Roxio Home>How Roxio Home projects work>Working on more than one Roxio Home project at a time
Working on more than one Roxio Home project at a time
You can set up and record more than one Roxio Home project at a time with the following limitations:
n Two projects of the same type cannot be open at the same time.
n Some versions of Roxio Home limit the number of projects that can be open at the same time. You will be notified if you attempt to exceed this limit.
To work on more than one Roxio Home project at a time:
1 Open the first project. See Starting a new Roxio Home project for more information.
2 Complete as much of the first project as you wish.
3 Select a second project from the project list.
The second project opens in the project window, and all your work on the first project is maintained.
4 Complete as much of the second project as you wish.
5 To return to the first project, click the appropriate project category and then click the name of the project type that corresponds to the first project.
Tip: Fast User Switching is supported. This means more than one computer user can complete projects at the same time. However, the program’s progress indicators only display the progress of the current user’s projects.