creator>Sound Editor >Completing projects
Completing projects
About completing projects
When you finish making changes to your Sound Editor project, you have several options:
n Save your project to a Sound Editor project format. For more information, see Saving Sound Editor projects.
n Flatten your project (combine all of the edits and enhancements into a single audio file) and save it.
n Export an audio clip to a single file. For more information, see Exporting audio clips.
n Export a set of tracks or audio clips to multiple files. Sound Editor lets you export each track or audio clip from your project to a separate file. For more information, see Exporting sets of tracks or audio clips.
n Burn your tracks or clips to audio CDs. If you have too many tracks to fit on one audio CD, Sound Editor will automatically span them across multiple CDs. For more information, see Burning tracks or clips to audio CDs.