What CDs can be copied?
The Copy Disc project can be used to copy almost any unencrypted CD. Follow these guidelines for best results:
n Select a target disc that is the same size and format as the source disc.
n Make sure the disc speed is compatible with your recorder drive.
More technical details are available in the table below:
Disc type
Data Mode 1, Disc-at-Once. (The format of most commercial CD-ROMs for data or software distribution.)
Kodak Photo CD
Data Multisession. Mode 2 XA, mixed form. Track-at-Once. (The format used by Kodak photo finishers.)
Data Mode 1 Multisession, closed
Data Multisession. Mode 1, with last session not appendable. Track-at-Once. It can contain one or more sessions, each containing Mode 1 data tracks.
Data Mode 1 Multisession, open
Same as above, but the last session is appendable.
Data Mode 2 Multisession, closed
Data Multisession. Mode 2, with last session not appendable. Track-at-Once. It can contain one or more sessions, each containing Mode 2 data tracks.
Data Mode 2 Multisession, Open
Same as above, but the last session is appendable.
Data Mode 2 Disc-at-Once
Like a standard stamped CD-ROM, but mastered as Mode 2. It is not very common.
Classic audio disc
Audio Disc-at-Once Silver, like almost any commercial music disc, or Closed Gold.
Audio disc, not closed
Audio Gold disc not closed (track-at-once or session-at-once).
CD Extra or Enhanced CD
A disc with a first audio session with the music tracks and then a second session with a Data Mode 2 XA track.
Audio Track-at-Once, not closed
Audio Track-at-Once tracks in a not yet closed session. This is an in-progress audio disc, that can be played in a CD recorder but not in a consumer CD player.
Classic Mixed-mode
A data session containing a data track followed by one or more audio tracks. This is the most common type of Mixed-mode. An audio player will not play the data track or, occasionally, will make a loud noise. A computer’s CD-ROM drive will see the disk as a CD-ROM disc.
Mixed-mode Track-at-Once
As above, but Track-at-Once.
Data Mode 1, Disc-at-Once. (The format of most commercial CD-ROMs for data or software distribution.)
Video CD
A standard XA disc with one or more Mode 2 data tracks in a XA session, but with additional logical information. Discs created in Super Video CD format (SVCD) cannot be copied.
See also: