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What’s new in Roxio Creator NXT 9
NEW! Template Designer in MyDVD
Create your own custom DVD menu templates!
Choose from one of the many available templates and make it your own. You can make small changes or take complete control of the background, audio, structure of the menus including the placement of items, how many chapters are displayed per page, and the visual appearance of frames and icons.
NEW! Roxio File Converter
An easy-to-use tool that lets you convert video, image, or audio files from one file format to another. Simply add the files to the File Converter and choose either a new file type or a target device to optimize the converted files for specific devices. You can even create audio files from a video source.
Enhanced! Help documentation
Find all the Help for the product in one convenient online reference.
New to PRO
Roxio Creator NXT 9 Pro includes additional features and software. Features include 360 video support, Audio Ducking, and Paint Effects.
The following additional software is included:
n PaintShop Pro 2021—pro-level photo-editing and graphic design software.
n PhotoMirage Express—photo animation software
n WinDVD Lite media player
n WinZip Secure Burn 5—file security and encryption software
n WinZip—file compression software