Copying and moving vector objects

You can copy and move vector objects by using Cut, Copy, and Paste commands. For more information about moving objects precisely, see To move a vector object.

To copy or move a vector object

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Edit tab 
1 On the Tools toolbar, select the Pen tool .
2 On the Tool Options palette, click the Edit Mode button .
3 Click on a contour, and then double-click one node to select all nodes.
4 Choose Objects Edit and select one of the following commands:
Copy — copies the selected contour to the Windows clipboard
Cut — removes the selected contour to the Windows clipboard. If the object has only one contour, the command removes the entire object.
5 Click where you want to copy or move the contour.
6 Choose Edit and choose one of the following options:
Paste As New Vector Selection — pastes vector objects within the same layer
Paste As New Layer — pastes vector objects as a new layer
Paste As New Image — pastes vector objects as a new image


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