Creating a text cutout filled with an image

You can use the Text Cutter option to create a text cutout that is filled with the underlying photo or imagery. The effect is similar to using a clipping mask, except the cutout object is created as a new file with a transparent background—perfect for collage, scrapbook, or other creative photo projects.

You can use the Text Cutter option to create a text cutout that is filled with the underlying photo or imagery.

To create a text cutout

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1 From the Edit tab, open an image that you want to use as a fill.
2 On the Tools toolbar, click the Text tool .
3 On the Tool Options palette, set the text options.
4 In the image window, click where you want to position the text, and type the text.
If you resize or reposition the text with the Pick Tool , reactivate text mode by clicking the Text Tool and clicking inside the text.
5 On the Tool Options palette, click the Cutter Preview button .
A semi-transparent mode is activated that lets you preview the cutout. You can now adjust the position, size, or rotation of the proposed cutout using the control handles for the object.
6 On the Tool Options palette, click the Text Cutter button .
The text cutout is filled with the underlying imagery and is created as a new file with a transparent background. A layer and mask is also created on the current image.

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