Script Name: | | Description: | |
Normal | | Pixels on the current layer are blended with the underlying layer based on opacity. | |
Darken | | Each pixel is the darkest of the two layers | |
Lighten | | The lighter pixel of the two layers is displayed | |
LegacyHue | | Applies the hue of the upper layer to the lower layer (legacy) | |
LegacySaturation | | Applies the saturation value of the upper layer to the lower layer (legacy) | |
LegacyColor | | Applies the hue and saturation of the upper layer to the lower layer, preserving the luminance | |
LegacyLuminance | | Applies the luminance of the upper layer to the lower layer, without affecting the color. (legacy) | |
Multiply | | Combines the upper layer with the lower layer to produce a darker color. | |
Screen | | Lighten the underlying color by multiplying the inverse of the base and blend colors. | |
Dissolve | | Randomly choose either the upper layer pixel or the lower layer pixel. The probability of picking a pixel is controlled by the opacity. | |
Overlay | | Combines multiply and screen modes to preserve the patterns and colors of the upper layer with shadows and highlights from the lower layer. | |
HardLight | | Combines multiply and screen modes to add highlights or shadows | Default |
SoftLight | | Combines burn and dodge modes to create soft shadows and highlights | |
Difference | | Subtracts the lighter pixel from the darker pixel | |
Dodge | | Use the lightness value from the upper layer to lighten colors in the lower layer | |
Burn | | The lightness of the upper layer is used to darken pixels on the lower layer. | |
Exclusion | | Creates an effect similar to but softer than the difference mode. | |
TrueHue | | Applies the hue of the upper layer to the lower layer | |
TrueSaturation | | Applies the saturation value of the upper layer to the lower layer | |
TrueColor | | Applies the hue and saturation of the upper layer to the lower layer, preserving the luminance | |
TrueLuminance | | Applies the lightness of the upper layer to the lower layer, without affecting the color. | |
PaintBehind | | Paints in only transparent areas. | |