Scripting API |
Parameter Description |
<<NewAdjustmentLayerBrightnessContrast | Main Index | NewAdjustmentLayerColorBalance>> | NewAdjustmentLayerChannelMixer | Back |
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This is the description of the command NewAdjustmentLayerChannelMixer's parameter named General Properties: |
Name | Script Name | Type | Description | Supports None | Default | Minimum | Maximum |
Opacity | Opacity | Percent | Opacity of the layer 0=fully transparent, 100=completely opaque | No | 100 | ||
Name | Name | String | The name of the layer as shown in the layers palette. | No | |||
Is Visible | IsVisible | Enumeration (Boolean) | If true, the layer is shown. If false, layer is hidden | No | True | ||
Lock Transparency | IsTransparencyLocked | Enumeration (Boolean) | If true, the transparency channel is locked and is unaffected by painting operations or effects. If false, transparency is editable. | No | False | ||
Link Set | LinkSet | Integer | Makes the layer a member of link set N. A value of zero means that a layer is not a member of any group. | No | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Use Highlight | UseHighlight | Enumeration (Boolean) | If true, display a custom color for this layer on the layers palette. | No | False | ||
Palette Highlight Color | PaletteHighlightColor | Color | Custom color to user for layer on the layers palette. | No | Red 255 Blue 64 Green 255 | Red 0 Blue 0 Green 0 | Red 255 Blue 255 Green 255 |
Group Is Linked | GroupLink | Enumeration (Boolean) | If true, all layers in the group are linked and will move together. | No | True | ||
Blend Mode | BlendMode | Enumeration (BlendMode) | Blend mode of the layer. | No | Normal |