Name | Script Name | Type | Description | Supports None | Default | Minimum | Maximum |
PrinterName | PrinterName | String | Device name of the current printer. | Yes | | | |
Orientation | Orientation | Integer | Determines the orientation of the printed page. 0 - portrait 1 - landscape | No | 0 | 0 | 1 |
NumCopies | NumCopies | Integer | Determines the number of copies to print. | No | 1 | 1 | 999 |
Negative | Negative | Enumeration (Boolean) | Determines whether to print the image in negative. | No | False | | |
Background | Background | Enumeration (Boolean) | Determines if printouts should fill the background with the use-selected color. | No | False | | |
BackgroundColor | BackgroundColor | Color | This is the color used if print with a background color is selected. | No | Red 255 Blue 255 Green 255 | Red 0 Blue 0 Green 0 | Red 255 Blue 255 Green 255 |
OutputOption | OutputOption | Integer | This determines the image output option, either color or greyscale. 0 - color 1- greyscale 2 - cmyk | No | 0 | 0 | 2 |
CornerCropmarks | CornerCropmarks | Enumeration (Boolean) | Determines whether to print the image with corner cropmarks. | No | False | | |
CenterCropmarks | CenterCropmarks | Enumeration (Boolean) | Determines whether to print the center cropmarks. | No | False | | |
RegistrationMarks | RegistrationMarks | Enumeration (Boolean) | Determines whether to print the image with registration marks. | No | False | | |
ImageLabels | ImageLabels | Enumeration (Boolean) | Determines whether each image prints with its name below it. | No | False | | |
Header | Header | Enumeration (Boolean) | Determines whether to print the header text. | No | False | | |
HeaderText | HeaderText | String | Page header text. This is the text that is printed when the header flag is true. | No | | | |
Footer | Footer | Enumeration (Boolean) | Flag indicates whether to print a footer. | No | False | | |
FooterText | FooterText | String | This is the text that is printed when the flooter print footer is selected. | No | | | |
CMYKLabels | CMYKLabels | Enumeration (Boolean) | Determines whether to print plate labels when cmyk images are printed. | No | False | | |
PrintQuality | PrintQuality | Integer | This is a windows value determining the print quality: dpi or -4 for high to -1 for draft | No | -4 | -4 | 9999 |
PaperSize | PaperSize | Integer | Paper size value. This is a windows defined value. | No | 1 | 1 | 999 |