Name | Script Name | Type | Description | Supports None | Default | Minimum | Maximum |
Load deformation map | LoadDeformationMap | Enumeration (Boolean) | Loads currently selected deformation map | No | False | | |
Save deformation map | SaveDeformationMap | Enumeration (Boolean) | Saves current deformation map | No | False | | |
Change quality | QualityChange | Enumeration (Boolean) | Changes warp drawing quality | No | False | | |
Change background | BackgroundChange | Enumeration (Boolean) | Redraw warping with new background color | No | False | | |
Change edge mode | EdgeChange | Enumeration (Boolean) | Redraw warping with a new edge mode | No | False | | |
Final apply | FinalApply | Enumeration (Boolean) | Applies warping brush with the maximum quality | No | False | | |
Warping Brush Modes | Mode | Enumeration (WarpingBrushMode) | Describes one of eight Warping Brush modes | No | Push | | |
Parameters Locked. | ParametersLocked | Enumeration (Boolean) | Shares parameters between modes | No | False | | |
Lock Mode. | LockMode | Enumeration (WarpingBrushMode) | Sets brush parameters locked | No | Push | | |
Push Mode Size | PushSize | Integer | Sets push brush radius | No | 32 | 4 | 1000 |
Push Mode Hardness | PushHardness | Percent | Sets push warping brush hardness | No | 0 | | |
Push Mode Strength | PushStrength | Integer | Sets push warp strength | No | 100 | 1 | 100 |
Expand Mode Size | ExpandSize | Integer | Sets expand brush radius | No | 32 | 4 | 1000 |
Expand Mode Hardness | ExpandHardness | Percent | Sets brush hardness | No | 0 | | |
Expand Mode Strength | ExpandStrength | Integer | Set warp strength | No | 100 | 1 | 100 |
Expand Mode Step | ExpandStep | Integer | Sets expand stroke step | No | 25 | 1 | 100 |
Contract Mode Size | ContractSize | Integer | Sets contract warp brush radius | No | 32 | 4 | 1000 |
Contract Mode Hardness | ContractHardness | Percent | Sets contract brush hardness | No | 0 | | |
Contract Mode Strength | ContractStrength | Integer | Sets contract warp strength | No | 100 | 1 | 100 |
Contract Mode Step | ContractStep | Integer | Sets right twirl stroke step | No | 25 | 1 | 100 |
RightTwirl Mode Size | RightTwirlSize | Integer | Sets right twirl brush radius | No | 32 | 4 | 1000 |
RightTwirl Mode Hardness | RightTwirlHardness | Percent | Sets right twirl brush hardness | No | 0 | | |
RightTwirl Mode Strength | RightTwirlStrength | Integer | Sets warp strength | No | 100 | 1 | 100 |
RightTwirl Mode Step | RightTwirlStep | Integer | Sets right twirl stroke step | No | 25 | 1 | 100 |
LeftTwirl Mode Size | LeftTwirlSize | Integer | Sets left twirl brush radius | No | 32 | 4 | 1000 |
LeftTwirl Mode Hardness | LeftTwirlHardness | Percent | Sets left twirl brush hardness | No | 0 | | |
LeftTwirl Mode Strength | LeftTwirlStrength | Integer | Sets left twirl warp strength | No | 100 | 1 | 100 |
LeftTwirl Mode Step | LeftTwirlStep | Integer | Sets left twirl stroke step | No | 25 | 1 | 100 |
Noise Mode Size | NoiseSize | Integer | Sets noise brush radius | No | 32 | 4 | 1000 |
Noise Mode Hardness | NoiseHardness | Percent | Sets noise warp brush hardness | No | 0 | | |
Noise Mode Strength | NoiseStrength | Integer | Sets warp strength for noise mode | No | 100 | 1 | 100 |
Noise Mode Step | NoiseStep | Integer | Sets noise stroke step | No | 25 | 1 | 100 |
Noise Mode Noise | NoiseNoise | Percent | Sets noise parameter | No | 1 | | |
IronOut Mode Size | IronOutSize | Integer | Set ironout brush radius | No | 32 | 4 | 1000 |
IronOut Mode Hardness | IronOutHardness | Percent | Sets ironout brush hardness | No | 0 | | |
IronOut Mode Strength | IronOutStrength | Integer | Sets ironout warp strength | No | 100 | 1 | 100 |
Unwarp Mode Size | UnwarpSize | Integer | Sets unwarp brush radius | No | 32 | 4 | 1000 |
Unwarp Mode Hardness | UnwarpHardness | Percent | Sets unwarp brush hardness. | No | 0 | | |
Unwarp Mode Strength | UnwarpStrength | Integer | Sets unwarp warp strength | No | 100 | 1 | 100 |
Unwarp Mode Step | UnwarpStep | Integer | Sets unwarp stroke step | No | 25 | 1 | 100 |
Noise Seed. | NoiseSeed | Integer | Warping seed for a Noise mode | No | 1 | 0 | 99999 |
Erase mode | EraseMode | Enumeration (Boolean) | Sets warping brush into erase mode. Accessed from right mouse button | No | False | | |
Reverse mode | ReverseMode | Enumeration (Boolean) | Sets warping brush into reverse mode. The same as you warp with ALT key down. | No | False | | |
Edge Mode | EdgeMode | Enumeration (WarpingBrushEdgeMode) | Sets warping edge mode | No | Background | | |
Deformation map category | LoadDeformationMapCategory | String | Specifies deformation map category | Yes | | | |
Deformation map path | LoadDeformationMapPath | String | Sets deformation map path | Yes | | | |
Deformation map path | SaveDeformationMapPath | String | Sets deformation map path | Yes | | | |
Replace current deformation | LoadAndReplaceCurrent | Enumeration (Boolean) | Replaces current deformation map on load | No | False | | |
MappingMode | MapingMode | Integer | Sets warping mapping mode | No | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Draft master quality | DraftMasterQuality | Enumeration (WarpingBrushDraftQuality) | Sets draft mode master deformation map quality | No | Medium | | |
Draft Drawing Quality | DraftDrawingQuality | Enumeration (WarpingBrushDraftQuality) | Sets draft mode drawing deformation map quality | No | Medium | | |
Final Apply Quality | FinalApplyQuality | Enumeration (WarpingBrushFinalApplyQuality) | Final apply mode deformation map quality | No | Use | | |
Path | Path | List | Sets path of the brush stroke | No | 0 | | |
Fill material | Fill | Parameter Repository | Sets background material for the warping brush | Yes |
Stroke material | Stroke | Parameter Repository | Sets foreground material for the warping brush | Yes |
General Settings | GeneralSettings | Parameter Repository | Contains parameters that control the execution of the command. | No |