Adding and closing contours
You can add new contours to any existing object. The new contour will have the same properties, including color, material, line style, and so on, as the selected object. You can also duplicate contours.
* To add a contour to an object
Edit tab 
1 On the Tools toolbar, click the Pen tool .
2 In the Tool Options palette, click the Edit Mode button .
3 Select an object.
4 Click one of the following buttons:
Draw Lines and Polylines
Draw Point-to-point Bézier Curves
Draw Freehand
5 Drag on the object to create the contour.
* To close a contour
Edit tab 
1 On the Tools toolbar, select the Pen tool .
2 On the Tool Options palette, click the Edit Mode button .
3 Select a contour.
4 Click the Close selected open contours button .
When you close a contour, PaintShop Pro draws a segment from the contour’s start node to its end node.