Applying environment maps and bump maps
When using the Balls and Bubbles effect or the Magnifying Lens effect, you can apply optional environment maps or bump maps. An environment map lets you add reflections, surface detail, and nuances. A bump map treats the source image like a three-dimensional surface, in which pixel luminance values determine height.
* To apply an environment map
Edit tab 
1 Choose Effects Artistic Effects, and select one of the following effects:
Balls and Bubbles
Magnifying Lens
2 Do one of the following:
In the Balls and Bubbles Effect dialog box, click the Maps tab.
In the Magnifying Lens Effect dialog box, click the Properties tab.
3 Mark the Environment map check box.
* To apply a bump map
Edit tab 
1 Choose Effects Artistic Effects Balls and Bubbles.
The Balls and Bubbles Effect dialog box appears.
2 Click the Maps tab.
3 Mark the Bump map check box.