Choosing colors from an image or the desktop
You can choose a foreground or background color from any open image, or from any color within PaintShop Pro (such as a color on a toolbar). This feature is useful when you want to use the color of a specific icon, or when you want to match the Windows desktop colors. You can also choose a color from other applications or from Web pages displayed in a browser.
You can enable Sample and Fill mode to sample a color in an image and click another area or another image to apply the color as a fill.
* To choose a color from the active image with the Dropper tool
Edit tab 
1 On the Tools toolbar, choose the Dropper tool .
2 On the Tool Options palette, set the options you want:
Sample Size drop-list — specifies the pixel area for sampling
Use all layers check box — mark this check box to sample from all image layers
3 Click a color in the image to make it the foreground color, or right-click to make it the background color.
You can also choose a color from the image while using brush tools, such as the Paint Brush or the Eraser tool, by holding down Ctrl and clicking in the image to choose a foreground color or right-clicking to choose a background color.
* To sample and fill with a color selected with the Dropper tool
1 On the Tools toolbar, choose the Dropper tool .
2 On the Tool Options palette, click the Sample and Fill button .
3 In the image window, click the color you want to sample.
The tool icon changes to a fill icon automatically.
4 Click the area that you want to fill with the sampled color.
Note: The last settings for the Flood Fill tool determine how the fill spreads and interacts with the background. For more information, see To fill an area with a color, gradient, or pattern.
* To choose a color from the desktop
Edit tab 
1 Make sure that the color you want is displayed on the screen.
2 In the Materials dialog box, click the Sample Color button
3 Position your pointer over the area of the desktop that has the color you want. This includes other open windows or displayed Web pages.
4 Click to select the color.
The selected color appears in the active color or properties box.
When positioned over areas that can be sampled, the Sample Color dropper icon displays.