Opening and closing images
You can open most image formats in PaintShop Pro. You can open the images by using the menu bar or from the Organizer palette. You can associate specific file formats with PaintShop Pro, such as JPEG, TIF, or PNG, so that these files will open in PaintShop Pro when you double-click them. For more information about setting file format associations, see Setting file format associations.For a list of the file formats that you can open in PaintShop Pro, see Files supported by PaintShop Pro. For information on RAW files, see Supported RAW file formats.
* To open an image
Edit tab 
1 Choose File Open.
2 In the Look in drop-list, choose the folder where the file is stored.
3 Click the name of the file that you want to open.
If you want to open multiple files, hold down Ctrl, and click the filenames.
4 Click Open.
You can also
View information about an image
In the Open dialog box, click the filename, and click Details.
View a thumbnail in the preview area
In the Open dialog box, mark the Show preview check box.
Run a script on the files as they open
In the Open dialog box, mark the Enable Pre‑processing check box, and choose a script from the drop-list.
* To open an image from the Organizer palette
1 In the Organizer palette, click the Show/Hide Navigation button to display the Navigation palette.
2 In the Navigation palette, click one of the following tabs:
Collections — displays a custom list of cataloged folders and a list of virtual collections
Computer — displays a list of all folders and devices on your computer
3 Double-click a folder to display the subfolders it contains.
4 Click the folder that contains the photos that you want, and drag the corresponding image thumbnail into the image window.
* To open a recently viewed file
Edit tab 
Choose File Recent Files, and choose the filename.
By default, the Recent Files menu lists four recently viewed files. You can choose to list up to 10 files. For more information, see To set the number of files that appear in the Recent Files list.
* To open a RAW photo image
Edit tab 
Do one of the following:
Choose File Open.
Double-click on a RAW image thumbnail.
Hold down Ctrl, and click the filenames or thumbnails to open multiple files.
The Camera RAW Lab dialog box opens. This dialog box lets you adjust the settings that are stored with the RAW photo file.
* To close an image
Choose File Close.