Setting Display and Caching preferences
You can change the display options for certain parts of the program. For example, you can change the appearance of tool cursors, reset the scaling quality of the Zoom, and set thumbnail sizes for the Effects Browser. You can also specify preferences for saving an image cache and setting a scratch disk.
Scratch disks
Setting a scratch disk (sometimes called a “swap disk”) enables the application to distribute operations across your main disk and a secondary disk. This extends the memory available to the application when working on several large files at one time. Your best option is to choose a drive on a second internal hard disk (SCSI, SSD, IDE, SATA) that has more than 500 MB of free space. Avoid using the main drive where the application is installed if possible. Removable drives are not supported and the configuration of the drive determines if it is available as a scratch disk.
Important! If you set your main drive as a scratch disk, ensure that you have more than 2 GB of free disk space. On some systems, using the main drive for a scratch disk causes performance issues. Unmark the scratch disk check box if this occurs.
Display settings in Windows
The Display settings in Windows affect PaintShop Pro and other applications on your computer system. PaintShop Pro is optimized for the 100% display option in Windows. If you see text cut off or elements of the user interface cut off (truncated), please check your Display settings in Windows (Control Panel Appearance and Personalization Display).
* To set Display and Caching preferences
Edit tab 
Manage tab 
1 Choose File Preferences General Program Preferences.
2 From the left pane, choose Display and Caching.
3 Perform one or more of the following tasks, and click OK.
Do the following
Automatically use the last file format used to save an image
In the Presentation group box, mark the Re-use last type in file save-as dialog check box.
Hide Dropper tool color information
In the Presentation group box, unmark the Display all color dropper tooltips check box.
Use a crosshair cursor for all tool cursors
In the Presentation group box, mark the Use precise cursors check box.
A crosshair cursor is displayed instead of the tool button shape.
Make a brush tool cursor reflect its size and shape
In the Presentation group box, mark the Show brush outlines check box.
Determine the rescaling quality for the Zoom tool
Adjust the Zoom / Rescaling Quality slider.
Set thumbnail sizes for the Effect Browser
In the Effect browser thumbnails group box, set or type a value in the Size (Pixels) control.
Save an image cache of your entire merged image
In the Caching group box, mark the Merged Image check box.
Save an image cache of all the layers below the active one
In the Caching group box, mark the Merged Below Active Layer check box.
Save an image cache of the merged image for each group
In the Caching group box, mark the Merged Group check box.
Save an image cache of all the group layers below the active one
In the Caching group box, mark the Merged Below Active Layer check box.
Set a scratch disk
In the Scratch disk group box, mark the Enable scratch disk check box and choose a disk from the drop-list.