Setting Undo preferences
The Undo settings control some behavior of the Undo and Redo commands, as well as one option for the History palette.
* To set Undo and Redo preferences
Edit tab 
Manage tab 
1 Choose File Preferences General Program Preferences.
2 From the left pane, choose Undo.
3 To enable PaintShop Pro to undo actions, mark the Enable the undo system check box.
This enables you to set all the items in this area of the Undo page.
4 Perform one or more of the following tasks and click OK.
Do the following
Set the amount of disk space undo and redo steps can use
Mark the Limit undo/redo disk usage to check box, and type or set a value in the control.
Set the number of undo and redo steps for each open image
Mark the Limit undo/redo to check box, and type or set a value in the control.
The default is 250.
Make the redo process faster
Mark the Enable fast redo check box. This may slightly slow down the undo process, so if you rarely perform a redo, but use undo frequently, you may want to unmark this check box.
Set the number of non-undoable steps retained after the last non-undoable step limit has been reached
Type or set a value in the Non-undoable steps in History Palette control.