Setting View preferences
The View settings lets you control some image window behaviors. You can choose how the image window and magnification level behave when you resize an image.
* To set View preferences
Edit tab 
Manage tab 
1 Choose File Preferences General Program Preferences.
2 From the left pane, choose View.
3 Perform one or more of the following tasks and click OK.
Do the following
Resize an image window when you zoom in
In the Zooming group box, mark the Fit image to window when zooming in check box.
The image window resizes to include as much of the image as will fit.
Resize an image window when you zoom out
In the Zooming group box, mark the Fit image to window when zooming out check box.
The image window resizes to include as much of the image as will fit.
Automatically reset the magnification level to display an entire image on opening
In the New images group box, mark the Auto size check box.
Automatically resize the image window when you resize an image
In the After changing size group box, mark the Fit window to image check box.
Automatically reset the magnification level to display an entire image after resizing
In the After changing size group box, mark the Auto size check box.