Viewing images and image information
When you open an image in PaintShop Pro, it appears in an image window. The title bar of the image window displays the image filename and the level of magnification applied to the image. An asterisk after the filename indicates that the image has been modified and that the changes have not been saved.
You can view basic image information, such as the height and width of an image (in pixels) and its color depth. You can also view detailed information for the image, such as its resolution, color depth, layers and alpha channels, and EXIF data. You can also view the number of unique colors in an image.
You can also view and edit image information in the Info palette that you can access from the Manage tab. For more information, see Displaying and editing photo information.
The EXIF Information tab of the Image Information dialog box lets you view EXIF data for digital camera photos. When you take a photo with a digital camera, the camera attaches information to the image, such as the date and time that it was captured, the exposure, and the flash settings. When you load a photo from a digital camera into PaintShop Pro, you can view this extra information.
You can expand the workspace to preview an image without the menus, toolbars, or palettes visible.
The Status bar, which is located at the bottom of the application window, displays the cursor position, height and width in pixels, and color depth for the current image.
When the Organizer palette is open, you can use Quick Preview to quickly view larger versions of the thumbnails.
If you have two monitors, you can use Dual Monitor to open the Manage tab on one monitor and the Edit tab on a second monitor.
* To view digital photo information
Edit tab 
1 Open an image.
2 Choose Image Image information.
Click the Image Information tab to view the filename, file format, image dimensions, resolution, color depth, modification status, number of layers and alpha channels, and the amount of RAM and disk space used for the image. This page also displays the image’s selections, masks, alpha channels, and Undo storage.
Click the Creator Information tab to view or edit the image’s title, artist’s name, copyright, description, date of creation, and date of modification.
Click the Watermark Information tab to view and add information about Digimarc watermarking.
Click the EXIF Information tab to view information for images taken with digital cameras. In the Section group box, mark the check boxes for the information you want to display: Input Device, Artist, Date, Image, Shot Conditions, GPS, or Makernote. Some items are editable (as denoted by an asterisk). To add customized text for an editable item, click in the Value column, and then type your custom information.
Click the Edit History tab to view a log file of the edits made to the image. Click Save Edit History to export the log file to a .log or .txt file.
You can also add IPTC data to the image information by using the Advanced Creator Information dialog box. This can be useful for photojournalists, for example, who may need to record IPTC data about when and where a photo was shot, and how urgently the photo needs to be reviewed. To access this dialog box, click the Creator Information tab, and then click Advanced.
* To view image color information
Edit tab 
Choose Image Count Image Colors to display the number of unique colors in the image.
* To view layer color information
Edit tab 
Choose Layers Count Layer Colors to display the number of unique colors in the current layer.
* To view an image on the full screen
Edit tab 
Choose View Full Screen Preview.
The workspace disappears, and the image appears at its current magnification.
To return to the PaintShop Pro workspace, press any key.
* To view Organizer palette thumbnails with Quick Preview
1 In the Organizer palette, click a thumbnail.
2 Press the space bar to display a large preview of the selected thumbnail.
* To activate or deactivate Dual Monitor mode
Choose View > Dual Monitor.
A check mark displays when Dual Monitor mode is active.