Working with XMP files
XMP files are metadata sidecar files that accompany RAW files. They are a standard way of saving edits without changing the original RAW file. If you plan to use another RAW image-editor with your files, XMP files will let you work between the applications more easily. You can read, save, copy, and paste XMP metadata for your RAW files.
* To read and import metadata in XMP files
Click the Manage tab, right-click one or more RAW photo thumbnails, and choose RAW Metadata > Read Metadata from File.
* To save edits to XMP files
Click the Manage tab, right-click one or more RAW photo thumbnails, and choose RAW Metadata > Save Metadata To File.
* To copy and paste metadata between XMP files
1 Click the Manage tab, right-click the thumbnail of the RAW image that has the metadata that you want to copy.
2 Choose RAW Metadata > Copy.
3 Select one or more RAW photo thumbnails to which you want to apply the metadata.
4 Right-click the selected thumbnails and choose RAW Metadata > Paste.