Working with the Adjust tab
The Adjust tab lets you edit photos, one at a time. Your changes are applied each time you click a new tool or feature. You can also undo the changes. As you edit, you can flash back for a view of the original image. After you finish editing a photo, you can easily move to the next photo by clicking a thumbnail in the Organizer palette. You have the option to save each time you click another photo or you can choose to save automatically by enabling Autosave when you are prompted.
* To edit or adjust photos in Adjust
In the Adjust palette, do one of the following:
Click a tool, and adjust the controls to edit the photo. The edits are applied when you click the Apply button or when you click another tool or adjustment option.
Click the name of the adjustment feature you want to use. The adjustment controls display. The changes are applied when you click another feature.
* To undo changes in Adjust
Do one of the following:
Click the Undo button on the toolbar.
Click the Reset button at the bottom of the Adjust pane to undo all changes.
A photo displayed in the Adjust tab
* To view original image
At the bottom of the Adjust pane, click and hold the Show Original button.
Release the button to return to the edited version of the image.