Using the Manage tab

When you click the Manage tab, you’ll find the following four components: Navigation palette, Preview area, Organizer palette, and the Info palette. For information about each of these palettes, see The Manage tab.

Preview mode

Depending on your specific needs, you can customize Manage by choosing the Preview or Thumbnail mode, resizing, moving, or hiding the palettes, and selecting display and file preferences. For more information, see Setting Manage tab preferences.

Thumbnail mode

To switch between Preview and Thumbnail modes

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Manage tab 
In the upper-right corner, click one of the following buttons:
Preview mode — displays a large preview area of a single image
Thumbnail mode — expands and locks the Organizer palette content in the preview area

To resize the Manage tab palettes

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Manage tab 
1 Position the pointer over the edge of the palette that you want to resize until the pointer changes to a two-way arrow.
2 Drag to enlarge or shrink the panel.


When you customize the Manage tab, the program remembers the latest layout settings and automatically saves them for your next session.

To hide or show the Navigation palette and Info palette

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Manage tab 
In the Organizer palette, click any of the following buttons on the Organizer toolbar:
Show/Hide Navigation — shows or hides the Navigation palette
Image Information — shows or hides the Info palette


A convenient way to minimize the Organizer palette (or any palette) is to click the Auto Hide button on the palette title bar. For more information, see To roll up a toolbar or palette.

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