Using and creating presets

Presets are scripts that define the behavior, properties, or settings of a dialog box or tool. Many dialog boxes and tools come with predefined, ready–to–use presets; however, you can also design and save your own presets. This is useful if you frequently use the same settings in a dialog box or with a tool. By using presets, you can save the settings and they'll appear in the Presets drop-list associated with that dialog box or tool.

To choose a preset

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In the Presets drop-list, select the desired preset from the list.

On the left is the Pan tool’s Presets drop-list button in the Tool Options palette, and on the right the Presets drop-list in a dialog box.

To reset values to default settings

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In the Presets drop-list, click the Reset to default button .


To reset a dialog box to the settings that displayed when you opened the dialog box, hold down Shift and click the Reset to default button.

To save settings as a preset

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1 Modify the settings in the dialog box or the Tool Options palette.
2 Click the Save preset button to display the Save Preset dialog box.
3 Type a name for the preset.
Note: You cannot use "Default" or "Last Used" as the name for a preset.
If you want to enter additional preset information, click Options, and type text in the Author, Copyright, and Description fields.
4 Click OK.


The Preset includes group box shows the data saved with a preset.

To edit a preset

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1 Modify the settings in the dialog box or the Tool Options palette.
2 Click the Save Preset button .
3 Type the same preset name in the preset name box.
4 Click Options.
If you want to omit any data from the Preset includes group box, click the Include/Exclude button associated with the data.
A white "X" appears over the button associated with the item.
5 Click OK.

To delete a preset

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1 In the Presets drop-list, click the Resource Manager button .
2 In the Resource Manager dialog box, select the preset you want to delete.
3 Click Delete.

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