Wrapping text within a selection or shape

You can wrap text inside a selection or a vector shape. For example, you can draw a closed shape with the Freehand Selection tool by tracing along a silhouette in a photo and fill the selection with text or you can draw a heart with the Preset Shape Tool and fill the shape with text.

You can wrap text inside a selection (top) or inside a vector shape (bottom).

To wrap text inside a selection or a vector shape

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1 In the Tools toolbar, click a selection tool or a vector shape tool, and in the image window, drag to create a selection or vector shape.
Note: If you are drawing a selection, ensure that it is a closed selection.
2 Click the Text Tool and in the image window, click inside the selection or vector shape, at the start position for your text.
3 Type your text.
The text automatically wraps to stay within the shape or selection, unless there is too much text for the space. Extra text appears outside the shape or selection.

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