Aligning, distributing, and arranging vector objects
You can align, distribute, and arrange vector objects on the canvas. For example, you can align their edges, distribute them evenly, center them on the image canvas, or arrange their order (from top to bottom) on a layer. Each object you draw on a layer is stacked on top of the next.
When you move a vector object, you can snap it to another vector object.
To move a vector object
On the Tools toolbar, choose the
Pick tool

If you want to move multiple objects, hold down
Shift and select the objects.
A bounding box surrounds the selected objects.
Drag the object or objects to a new position.
Move an object one pixel at a time
Move an object 10 pixels at a time
Hold down Ctrl, and press an arrow key.
Move an object 50 pixels at a time
Hold down Shift, and press an arrow key.
Move an object 100 pixels at a time
Hold down Shift + Ctrl, and press an arrow key.
To align vector objects
On the Tools toolbar, choose the
Pick tool

Select the first vector object.
Hold down
Shift, and select the other objects you want to align.
In the Tool Options palette, click one of the following buttons in the
Object Alignment group box:
Align Top 
Align Bottom 
Align Left 
Align Right 
Align Vertical Center 
Align Horizontal Center 

To move an object, select it on the Layers palette, and drag it up or down in the list.
To evenly distribute objects
On the Tools toolbar, choose the
Pick tool

Hold down
Shift, and marquee select the objects.
Note: You must have three or more objects selected to distribute them in relation to each other.
In Tool Options palette, click one of the following buttons in the Object Distribution group box:
Distribute Vertical Top 
Distribute Vertical Center 
Distribute Vertical Bottom 
Distribute Horizontal Right 
Distribute Horizontal Center 
Distribute Horizontal Left 
To align vector objects to the canvas
On the Tools toolbar, choose the
Pick tool

If you want to align multiple objects, hold down
Shift and marquee select the objects.
In the Tool Options palette, click one of the following buttons in the Position On Canvas group box:
Center in Canvas 
Align Horizontally Center in Canvas 
Align Vertically Center in Canvas 
To distribute vector objects on the canvas
On the Tools toolbar, choose the
Pick tool

If you want to distribute multiple objects, marquee select the objects.
In the Tool Options palette, click one of the following buttons in the Position On Canvas group box:
Space Evenly Horizontal 
Space Evenly Vertical 
To arrange vector objects
On the Tools toolbar, choose the
Pick tool

Right-click the object, choose
Arrange, and select one of the following options:
Bring to Top — moves an object to the top
Send to Bottom — moves an object to the bottom
Move Up — moves an object up one position
Move Down — moves an object down one position

You can also arrange vector objects by dragging them up or down in the Layer palette.
To snap a vector object to another vector object
On the Tools toolbar, choose the
Pick tool

Select a vector object.
Drag the selected object to the object to which you want it to snap.
Release the mouse button.
Object snapping is enabled by default. If object snapping is disabled, choose
Snap To Object.

Object snapping is governed by the snap influence, which controls the distance, in pixels, that a vector object must be from another vector object in order to snap to it. You can change the snap influence by choosing View
Change Grid, Guide, Object & Snap Properties, clicking the Object tab, and setting a value in a Snap influence control. The Default Settings group box shows the default setting for object snapping. The Current Image Settings group box shows the setting for object snapping in the current image.
If other snapping options (Snap To Grid or Snap To Guides) are also enabled, a vector object will snap to the closest enabled snapping target. If the snapping targets are the same distance from the object, the object will snap to the grid or guide.