Creating preset shapes
You can draw preset shapes such as callouts, arrows, flowers, and gears.
To draw a preset shape
On the Tools toolbar, choose the
Preset Shape tool

Note: If you want to place the preset shape on the current vector layer, mark the
Create on Vector check box on the Tool Options palette. If no vector layer exists, marking this check box creates one for the preset shape. If this check box is unmarked, the preset shape is placed on a raster layer. Placing a preset shape on a vector layer makes it easier to edit.
On the Tool Options palette, choose an option from the
Shapes List drop-list.
If you want to filter the options, choose a category from the
Category drop-list.
Drag to create the shape.
Note: If you want to apply a custom fill, unmark the
Retain style check box. On the Materials palette, click the
Background and Fill properties box, and choose a fill color. Click the
Foreground and Stroke properties box, and choose an outline color. If you do not want the line segments to have a fill, click the
Transparent button

Drag to draw the shape.
Select an option from the Line Style drop-list.
Choose a stroke width (in pixels)
Type or set a value in the Width control.
Smooth the appearance of a shape
Mark the Anti-alias check box.
Choose an option from the Join drop-list. If you choose Miter Join, type or set a value in the Miter limit control to set the degree of pointedness. The higher the value, the more pointed the join is.
Create a shape with the same aspect ratio as the one in the Shapes list list
Hold down Shift while you drag.
Place the centerpoint of the shape where you click

You can save a Tool Options palette settings as presets. For more information, see Using and creating presets.