Drawing curves
You can draw Bézier and freehand curves.
To draw an object with Bézier curves
On the Tools toolbar, choose the
Pen tool

Note: If you want to place the line segment on the current vector layer, mark the
Create on Vector check box on the Tool Options palette
. If no vector layer exists, marking this check box creates one for the line segment. If this check box is unmarked, the line segment is placed on a raster layer. Placing a line segment on a vector layer makes it easier to edit.
On the Materials palette, click the
Foreground and Stroke properties box, and choose a color for the outline.
If you want to apply a fill to the curve, click the
Background and Fill properties box, and choose a color. If you do not want to apply a fill to the curve, click the
Transparent button

In the Tool Options palette, click the
Draw Point to Point button

Mark the
Show Nodes check box.
Click where you want to place the first node, and drag.
As you drag, the arrow-end of the control arm handle points in the same direction. Release the mouse button when the first control arm reaches the desired length.
Click where you want to place the second node, and drag.
As you drag, the curve segment appears on the image canvas.
Note: If you marked the
Connect Segments option, you can continue adding segments in this manner.
On the Tool Options palette, click one of the following buttons to complete the Bézier curve object:
Start New Contour button

— creates an open shape where the first and last segments are not connected
Close Selected Open Contours button

— creates a closed shape where the first and last segments are connected
Click the
Apply button

Automatically connect each curve segment
Mark the Connect Segments check box.
Choose an option from the Line Style drop-list.
Type or set a value in the Width control.
Mark the Anti-alias check box.

You can save Tool Options palette settings as presets. For more information, see Using and creating presets.
To draw a freehand curve
On the Tools toolbar, choose the
Pen tool

Note: If you want to place the line segment on the current vector layer, mark the
Create on Vector check box on the Tool Options palette. If no vector layer exists, marking this check box creates one for the line segment. If this check box is unmarked, the line segment is placed on a raster layer. Placing a line segment on a vector layer makes it easier to edit.
On the Materials palette, click the
Foreground and Stroke properties box, and choose a color for the outline.
If you want to apply a fill to the curve, click the
Background and Fill properties box, and choose a color. If you do not want the curve to have a fill, click the
Transparent button

On the Tool Options palette, click the
Draw Freehand button

If you want to display the curve’s nodes, mark the
Show Nodes check box.
Type or set a value in the
Tracking control to set the distance in pixels between nodes.
Higher values create smoother, less precise lines with fewer nodes; lower values create more segmented, precise lines with more nodes.
Drag to create the curve.
Click the
Apply button

Connect multiple curve objects
Mark the Connect Segments check box.
Mark the Anti-alias check box.
Select an option from the Join drop-list. If you selected Miter Join, you can type or set a value in the Miter limit control to set the degree of pointedness.
Choose an option from the Line style drop-list.
Type or set a value in the Width control.