Loading masks
When you save a mask to an alpha channel within an image that is saved in PspImage format, you can load that mask from the alpha channel into the same image or into any other image.
The Masks folder of the PaintShop Pro program folder contains sample masks that you can load into images, such as gradients and several types of circles and squares that frame images. Mask files have a .PspMask filename extension.
To load a mask from an alpha channel
On the Layers palette, choose the layer that you want to mask.
Load/Save Mask
Load Mask From Alpha Channel to open the Load Mask from Alpha Channel dialog box.
In the
Load from Document drop-list, choose the image that contains the alpha channel that you want to load. Choose only open images with existing alpha channels.
In the drop-list under the document name, choose the alpha channel that contains the mask.
In the
Orientation group box, choose one of the following options:
In the
Options group box, choose one of the following options:
Hide all mask — hides pixels surrounding a loaded mask that is smaller than the current image canvas
Show all mask — shows pixels surrounding a loaded mask that is smaller than the current image canvas
If you want to invert the transparency of the mask image, mark the
Invert transparency check box.
The mask layer and the selected layer are added to a new layer group.

The mask layer applies to the selected layer only. To apply the mask layer to all underlying layers, drag it from the layer group to the main level.
To load a mask from disk
On the Layers palette, click the layer that you want to mask.
Load/Save Masks
Load Mask From Disk to open the Load Mask From Disk dialog box.
In the
Mask group box, click the drop-list to choose from mask and image files.
The Preview group box displays the selected mask on the image canvas.
In the
Orientation group box, choose one of the following options:
Fit to canvas — adjusts the mask to fit the current image canvas (stretching or contracting as needed)
Fit to layer — adjusts the mask to fit the current layer data (stretching or contracting as needed). If the layer has not been shifted beyond the edges of the canvas, this option produces the same results as the Fit to Canvas option.
As is — positions the mask in the upper-left corner of the current layer. This option does not change the mask proportions. If the mask image is smaller than the current layer, PaintShop Pro masks all pixels outside of the mask image boundaries.
In the
Options group box, choose an option to specify whether any pixels surrounding the loaded mask data are shown or hidden. These options affect the mask only if the Orientation option is As Is and the loaded mask is smaller than the current image canvas.
Invert transparency — inverts the transparency of the mask image
Hide all mask — makes surrounding pixels black to hide underlying pixels
Show all mask — makes surrounding pixels white to show underlying pixels
Use image value — makes surrounding pixels white or black, depending on whether the Show All Mask option or the Hide All Mask option was applied to the original mask.

PaintShop Pro adds the mask layer and the selected layer to a new layer group. The mask layer applies to the selected layer only. To apply the mask layer to all underlying layers, drag it from the layer group to the main level.