Saving custom line styles
You can design your own line styles and save them as presets.
To design and save a custom line style
On the Tools toolbar, choose one of the following tools:
Pen tool

Rectangle tool

Ellipse tool

Symmetric Shape tool

Preset Shape tool

Text tool

On the Tool Options palette, click the
Line Style drop-list, and click
If you want to copy an existing line style, choose that style from the
Line Style drop-list, and click
In the Styled Line Editor dialog box, choose settings from any of the following controls:
First cap — lets you pick a style for the first segment in the line
Last cap — lets you pick a style for the last segment in the line
If you want to specify a size for the cap, click the
Size button, and type or set a value in the
Width and
Height controls. To make the height and width equal, mark the
Link axes check box.
Do one of the following:
If you are creating a new line, click
Save as New. Type a name in the
Styled Line Name field, and click
If you are editing an existing line, click
Click the Undo button  .
Reset the line to the original style
Click the Reset button  .
Create separate end caps for the middle dashes in the line
Mark the Different segment caps check box, and choose settings from the Segment Start and Segment End group boxes.
Type or set a value in the Length control, and click Add.
Select a dash or gap, and click Delete.
Remove all dashes and gaps

The preview area at the bottom of the Styled Lines Editor dialog box displays the changes you make to the line. The edit area has a ruler you can use to size dashes and gaps (in pixels).
Saved styles appear in the Line Style drop-list on the Tool Options palette.