Using Quick Review to review photos
You can use Quick Review to review images in full-screen mode. For example, after downloading photos from your camera, you can use Quick Review to quickly review all photos, delete the ones you don’t want, rotate photos, and apply star ratings.
To review images in full-screen mode
In the Organizer palette, double-click a thumbnail in the folder or tray that you want to review.
The Quick Review window opens.
Perform a task from the following table.
Click the Next Image button  .
Click the Previous Image button  .
Click the Edit Photo button  .
Click a star below the photo, starting from left to right, to set a rating.
Drag the Zoom slider, click the Zoom In  or Zoom Out  buttons, or click the Zoom to 100% button  or the Fit to Window button  .
Click the Delete button  .
Click the Rotate Right button  or the Rotate Left button  .
Click the Exit button  , or press Esc.

You can also use the mouse wheel to change the Zoom level.