Scaling photos by using Smart Carver
Smart Carver lets you make a photo narrower, wider, shorter, or longer without distorting the content. By automatically detecting and removing zones in the picture that have little structural detail, this feature lets you change the aspect ratio without noticeably changing the image. You can also target a specific zone to remove from the photo, regardless of its level of detail, or preserve specific objects or image areas.
Smart Carver lets you selectively remove or protect areas when you scale an image.
To remove or preserve an object by using Smart Carver
Smart Carver.
The Smart Carver dialog box opens.
To remove or preserve an object or area from a photo, do one or both of the following:
Click the
Remove button

and apply the
Remove brush to the areas of the photo that you want to remove.
Click the
Preserve button

and apply the
Preserve brush to the area of the photo that you want to protect.
In the
Object Removal area, you can move the
Brush Size slider to the left to decrease the size of the brush, or to the right to increase the size of the brush.
Scale the photo by applying one or more of the Smart Carving options.
Click the Eraser button  , and apply it to the brushstrokes that you want to erase.
In the Zoom box, enter a magnification level, or use the slider or the arrows to adjust the zoom level.
Pan to view hidden areas of the photo
Click the Pan button  , and drag in the preview area.
Hide the brushstrokes in the preview area
Mark the Hide Mask check box.
Reset the photo to its original state
To scale a photo by using Smart Carver
Smart Carver.
The Smart Carver dialog box opens.
In the Smart Carving area, perform one or more tasks from the following table, and click
You can view the scaling results in the preview area.
Type or set a value in the Width box.
Note: The maximum width is double the width of the original photo.
Type or set a value in the Height box.
Note: The maximum height is double the height of the original photo.
Reduce the photo width by 1-pixel increments
Click the Contract the image horizontally button  until the image is the desired width.
Reduce the photo height by 1-pixel increments
Click the Contract the image vertically button  until the image is the desired height.
Increase the photo width by 1-pixel increments
Click the Expand the image horizontally button  until the image is the desired width.
Increase the photo height by 1-pixel increments
Click the Expand the image vertically button  until the image is the desired height.
Reduce the photo width by automatically removing the areas to which you have applied the Remove brush
Click the Auto-contract horizontally  button to remove red-painted areas.
Reduce the photo height by automatically removing the areas to which you have applied the Remove brush
Click the Auto-contract vertically  button to remove red-painted areas.