Working with scripting tools and features
You can find most scripting commands both in the File
Script submenu and on the Script toolbar. You’ll find it much easier and faster working with scripts using the Script toolbar. Some commands, however, are accessible only using the menu.
The following table describes the buttons on the Script toolbar.
The Select Script drop-list lets you choose the scripts saved in the Scripts-Trusted and Scripts-Restricted folders.
The Run Selected Script button lets you run the script displayed in the Select Script drop-list.
The Run Multiple Scripts button opens the Run Multiple Scripts dialog box so you can choose scripts from a list and run them in sequence.
The Edit Selected Script button opens the Script Editor so you can edit the script displayed in the Select Script drop-list.
The Toggle Execution Mode button lets you switch between Silent and Interactive mode when running scripts. When the button shows a border, it is set to Interactive mode.
The Run Script button lets you navigate to and select the script you want to load.
The Stop Script button lets you stop the running script.
The Start Script Recording button lets you begin recording actions that will comprise a script.
The Pause Script Recording button lets you pause the recording of a script. You can click it again to resume recording.
The Cancel Script Recording button lets you cancel script recording.
The Save Script Recording button lets you stop recording a script and prompts you to save it.
To display the Script toolbar
To access a script command from a menu
Script, and choose a script command.

You can only choose the Clear Output Window and Single Step commands from the menu. You can, however, add those commands to the Script toolbar. For more information, see Customizing toolbars.
To display the Script Output palette
Script Output.

The Script Output palette displays information such as previously-used commands, Python syntax errors, or runtime errors.
To clear the Script Output palette
Clear Output Window.

You can also clear a script by right-clicking the Script Output palette, and choosing Clear from the context menu.