SmartClone retouching and design
SmartClone is a content-aware cloning tool that lets you blend a source selection into a new background. Like the Clone Brush, SmartClone can be used for retouching (covering an unwanted area), but it can also be used to create simple collage images and textured effects.
Retouching: Temporary tattoo removal in a few clicks with SmartClone in Original mode.
Copying: The swan (left) was saved as a SmartClone image, then resized and the SmartClone tool was used to place it into the scene (right), beside the original swan, with one click.
Collage: Using a selection on the woman’s face produces a precise result when the SmartClone leopard image source is applied.
Blend modes let you choose how your source selection blends with the new background:
Original — Blends the source selection into the new destination, maintaining most of the original source color.
Blend — Blends the source selection into the new destination, merging the colors of both the source and destination.
Black and White — Desaturates the source selection so that the destination colors are not affected. This option works well for cloning textures.
Experiment with the different modes to see which one provides the best results for your project.
Adjusting size and rotation with SmartClone images
Saving a source selection as a SmartClone image lets you modify the size and rotation of the source and save the source for future projects. SmartClone images are saved to a library that is accessed from a drop-list on the Tool Options palette (similar to the brush tip or Picture Tube library).
Tips for SmartClone success
Selection edges: When creating a SmartClone source selection (for immediate use or to save in the SmartClone library), it’s best to keep the selection marquee inside the edges of the area that you want to select—more uniform colors provide more natural results.
Color consistency: If you’re looking for a seamless cloning result, choose a source and destination that share the same color palette. If you’re getting creative, then experiment with the
Blend mode on different colored backgrounds for unique effects.
Using layers and selections: Duplicating a layer for SmartClone and/or applying a selection (
Selection tool) to the area where you want to apply a SmartClone image gives you more control over the final result. A layer gives you the ability to erase parts of the SmartClone or to adjust the transparency of the entire layer.
To use the SmartClone tool
In the Tools toolbar, choose the
SmartClone tool

(in the Clone Brush flyout).
Do one of the following:
To select a source from the current image, on the Tool Options palette, choose a
Selection type:
Rectangle, or
Freehand. Drag around the area that you want to select as a source.
If the image has more than one layer, click the name of the layer on the Layers palette before you define the source area.
To select a SmartClone image from the library, on the Tool Options palette, click the SmartClone drop-list, and choose the image you want. You can adjust the
Size and
Rotation of SmartClone images before you apply them.
On the Tool Options palette, choose a
Blend, or
Black and White.
In the document window, click to apply the SmartClone source to an open image (raster).
You can undo and redo to experiment with different blend modes.
To save a source selection to the SmartClone library
In the Tools toolbar, choose the
SmartClone tool

(in the Clone Brush flyout).
On the Tool Options palette, choose a
Selection type:
Rectangle, or
Drag around the area that you want to select as a source.
If the image has more than one layer, click the name of the layer on the
Layers palette before you define the source area.
On the Tool Options palette, click the SmartClone drop-list, and click the
Create SmartClone image from selection button

In the
Create SmartClone dialog box, type a name in the
Name box, fill in any optional fields, and click
The source selection is saved as an image in the SmartClone library.