Audio : Using Auto Music
Using Auto Music
The Auto Music feature of VideoStudio lets you easily create high-quality sound tracks from the ScoreFitter library of royalty-free music. Songs have different variations to help you set the right feel for your video production.
You can also access ScoreFitter music in the Library by clicking the Scorefitter Music folder.
* To add music with Auto Music
1 Click the Auto Music button in the Toolbar.
The Auto Music panel opens.
1 In the Category list, select the type of music you want.
2 In the Song list, select a song.
3 In the Version list, select the version of the song.
To listen to your selection, click the Play Selected Song button
1 When you find the song you want, click the Add to Timeline button .
Note: Enable Auto Trim to automatically trim the audio clip or cut down to the desired duration.