HSL Tuning
HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) is a powerful color adjustment tool that lets you interactively adjust colors in a clip. This lets you target specific colors.
An interactive control can be dragged across a clip in the Player panel to adjust hue, saturation, or lightness of the underlying sample area.
To adjust color with HSL Tuning
1 In the Timeline, select the video clip that you want to color correct.
2 In the Options panel, click the Color tab.
3 Click the HSL Tuning button.
4 In the HSL drop-list, select one of the following options:
• Hue
• Saturation
• Lightness
5 Do one of the following:
• Click the interactive color tool
, and in the Player panel drag across a color in the clip that you want to adjust. Dragging to the left, moves the corresponding sliders to the left; dragging to the right, moves the corresponding sliders to the right.
• Adjust the individual sliders to set the values you want.
Note: You can apply a preset by choosing an option from the Select Preset drop-list. You can also save your custom settings as a preset by clicking Save as preset. To clear all changes, click the Reset button.