Setting Painting Creator preferences
You can change the preferences for Painting Creator. The Preference settings include default settings for animation duration, background color, background image, project size, and more.
* To change the default Preference settings
1 On the toolbar for the Painting Creator window, click the Preference settings button .
2 Change any of the following settings:
Default macro duration — Lets you set the default duration for the animations you record (in seconds).
Default background color — Click the color picker to choose a new default background color.
Set reference image as background image — Displays the timeline or custom image in the background. If not marked, only the background color displays.
Enable layer mode — When enabled, brushstrokes are saved with a transparent background. When disabled, the canvas (including the optional reference image) is saved with the brushstrokes.
Enable fit to screen automatically — Displays the full canvas when you open the Painting Creator window.
Project size — Lets you change the painting dimensions (in pixels).