Customizing the workspace
The new workspace is designed to provide you with a better editing experience. You can now customize the size of the program window and change the size and position of the elements on your screen for full control of your editing environment.
Each panel behaves like an independent window that can be modified according to your editing preferences. This is very useful when you are using large displays or dual monitors.
The main panels are:
1. Player panel — Contains the Preview Window and Navigation area.
2. Timeline panel — Contains the Toolbar and Timeline.
3. Library panel — Contains the media library and shares space with the Options panel.
To hide or show the Library and Options panel
In the lower right corner of the
Library panel, click one of the following buttons
Show Library and Options panel
To move a panel
Double-click the top-left corner of the
Player Panel,
Timeline Panel or
Library Panel.
When the panel is active, you can minimize, maximize, or resize each panel.
You can also drag the panel outside the main application window into the second display area for dual-monitor setups.
To customize the size of the program window
You can do one of the following:
Click the
Restore button and drag the ends of the program window to the desired size.
Click the
Maximize button for full screen editing.
To dock a panel
Start to drag an undocked panel.
The docking guides appears.
Drag the panel over a docking guide to choose a docking position and release the mouse.
The panel snaps into place.
To save a custom workspace layout
Settings >
Layout Settings >
Save to and click a Custom option.
To load a custom workspace layout
Settings >
Layout Settings >
Switch to and choose
Default or one of the custom settings you have saved.
You can also change the layout settings from the UI Layout tab in Settings > Preferences.
To set program preferences
Settings > Preferences or press
F6 to launch the
Preferences dialog box.