Using Smart Proxy for a faster, smoother editing experience

The main purpose of Smart Proxy is to provide a more fluid editing and previewing experience when working with large, high resolution video files.

Smart Proxy creates lower resolution working copies of larger source files. These smaller files are called "proxy" files. Using proxy files speeds up editing of high resolution projects (for example, projects that have HDV and AVCHD source files).

Proxy files are source-dependent rather than project-dependent. In other words, proxy files can be shared among different projects.

When you render a video project, the original, high-quality video source files are used.

You can use the Smart Proxy Manager to enable or disable Smart Proxy, change the default resolution threshold that enables Smart Proxy, and access the Smart Proxy File Manager and Smart Proxy Queue Manager to manage existing and future proxy files.

Smart Proxy can be set and adjusted in the VideoStudio workspaces or in the Multi-Camera Editor.


VideoStudio Smart Proxy supports the Apple ProRes format, but quality is limited to 4:2:2 8-bit.

To enable or disable Smart Proxy

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Click the Settings menu or button (Multi-Camera Editor) > Smart Proxy Manager > Enable Smart Proxy.

The Smart Proxy feature is enabled by default if the computer’s hardware can support the feature.

To change Smart Proxy settings

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1 Select Settings > Smart Proxy Manager > Settings.
2 In the Preferences dialog box, on the Performance tab, ensure Smart Proxy check box is marked.
3 Do any of the following:
To change the resolution threshold, from the Create a proxy when video size is above drop-list, chose a resolution.
To change the default proxy folder location, in the Proxy folder box, type or navigate to a new location.
To set the proxy file format, in the Proxy file format area, click ProRes or Custom. If choosing custom, you can choose a Template or click Options to choose the settings you want.

VideoStudio Smart Proxy supports the Apple ProRes format, but quality is limited to 4:2:2 8-bit.

To manage proxy files

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1 Select Settings > Smart Proxy Manager, and choose one of the following options:
Smart Proxy File Manager — Lists the source and proxy files. You can use this manager to delete proxy files you no longer need.
Smart Proxy Queue Manager — Lists source files for which proxy files will be generated (according to the current settings)

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