Additional information : File locations
File locations
When you first run Corel AfterShot Pro, it will ask where to store your Corel AfterShot Pro Settings Folder and a Corel AfterShot Pro Catalog Location. The Corel AfterShot Pro Settings Folder contains settings, saved presets, cached data about images and folders, and other preferences and options needed to run Corel AfterShot Pro. The default location for the Corel AfterShot Pro Settings Folder is different on various operating systems, so check the details below for the system you are running. Within the Settings Folder are sub-folders that contain batches and presets, which are stored as plain text files. You may copy these batches and presets from one computer to another to share these across multiple work locations (like your notebook and your studio) or with friends or colleagues.
The Corel AfterShot Pro Catalog Location is where new Corel AfterShot Pro catalogs are stored. Corel AfterShot Pro catalogs are only used if you import images into a catalog. For information about importing, see Importing images. If you do use catalogs in Corel AfterShot Pro, this folder can grow quite large, and is accessed frequently, so choose a folder on a fast, locally-attached disk with plenty of free space for best performance. You can create new catalogs in other locations, so not all catalogs need to be on the same disk.
The default locations for various components for Windows are shown below; [username] is a placeholder that represents your Windows username.
Default Location
Install Location (64-bit OS)
C:\Program Files\Corel\Corel\ AfterShot Pro 3
Settings Folder (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10)
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Corel\AfterShot Pro 3
Catalog Location (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10)
C:\Users\[username]\My Pictures\AfterShot Pro Catalogs
The default locations for various components for OS are shown below; ~ is a placeholder that represents your Mac OS home folder.
Default Location
Install Location
Applications folder
Settings Folder
~/Library/Application Support/Corel AfterShot Pro 3
Catalog Location
~/Pictures/Corel AfterShot Pro
The default locations for various components for Linux are shown below; ~is a placeholder that represents your Linux home folder.
Default Location
Install Location
/opt/Corel AfterShot Pro
Settings Folder
~/.AfterShot Pro 3 [Note: “.” designates a hidden folder]
Catalog Location
~/Pictures/Corel AfterShot Pro