Choosing colors for paletted images
Paletted images are images that have a color depth between 2 and 256 colors. With paletted images, you must choose foreground and background colors from the Materials palette rather than from the Color page.
* To choose colors for paletted images
Edit tab 
1 On the Materials palette, do one of the following:
To choose the foreground color, click the Foreground and Stroke Color box.
To choose the background color, click the Background and Fill Color box.
Clicking a color box opens the Color page and displays the palette.
2 In the Sort order drop-list, select the way in which the colors are sorted:
Palette — sorts by order of colors in the palette
Hue — sorts by color
Luminance — sorts by lightness
3 Click a color.
4 Click OK.
To ensure that only the colors available for paletted images are displayed in the Materials palette, the Show document palette option must be enabled. Choose File Preferences General Program Preferences, click Palettes in the list, and choose the Show Document Palette option. For more information, see Setting Display and Caching preferences.