Sizing, shaping, and rotating vector objects
You can transform vector objects and vector text interactively. For example, you can drag the handles on a bounding box to size, shape, or rotate objects. You can also transform vector objects by editing their nodes. For more information, see Working with nodes.
You can also size vector object to make them the same width, height, or both.
To size and shape a vector object
On the Tools toolbar, choose the
Pick tool
Perform any of the steps in the following table.
Drag a corner or edge handle.
If you want to resize while changing the current proportions, right-click and drag a handle.
Change perspective symmetrically
Hold down Shift, and drag a corner handle.
Hold down Shift, and drag a side handle.
Hold down Ctrl + Shift, and drag a handle.
To rotate vector objects
On the Tools toolbar, choose the
Pick tool

Drag the rotation handle.
You can set a specific angle of rotation in the
Angle box on the Tools Options palette.

To change the center of rotation, hold down Ctrl, and drag the rotation pivot point to a new location.
To make vector objects the same size
On the Tools toolbar, choose the
Pick tool

Select the first vector object.
Note: The first object controls how all the other vector objects are resized.
Hold down
Shift, and click the other objects you want to resize.
On the Tool Options palette, choose one of the following options from the Same Size group box:
Make Same Height 
Make Same Width 
Make Same Width and Height 

To change the object’s proportions while resizing, select the object with the Pick tool
, and then right-click and drag a corner handle.