Highlight Reel : Highlight Reel settings
Highlight Reel settings
Before you create your movie, you choose Movie mode and Movie settings that determine how your movie will be assembled and what features will be included. For example, you can choose how the duration of video clips will be determined and whether transitions, titles, or music will be included.
Movie modes
You can choose from the following Movie modes:
Auto: The length of each video segment is determined by analyzing the video clip. Considerations include matching photo and video length to other settings (for example, if Sync to music beat is enabled). Video segments will typically be 4-8 seconds, and photos will be approx. 2 seconds.
Fixed duration: The length of each video clip and photo is determined by the value you type in the duration box (measured in seconds). Enable the Select one file only per day check box for projects such as one-second-per-day compilations.
Manual: The length of each video clip is the same as the original video clip and photos are inserted at a default duration of 2 seconds. In Manual mode, you have access to extra editing tools (beside the Navigation area). For more information, see To multi-trim a movie in the Highlight Reel window.
* To choose Highlight Reel mode and settings
1 Below the Library panel, click the Settings button and choose one of the following Movie mode options:
Fixed duration: Type a duration value in the box (measured in seconds).
2 Choose from the following Movie settings:
Transitions: Inserts Crossfade transitions between clips.
Date Tag: Applies year, month, or day titles.
Background music: Lets you select an audio file to use as a background track. If you are using Auto mode, you can also enable the Sync to music beat check box if you want the media transitions to coordinate with the beat of your background music.