Using audio cues

Audio cues allow you to mark important points that you want to access quickly in the future. VideoStudio lets you add audio cues to music tracks manually or automatically.

In this example (top), VideoStudio has automatically added one cue per 4 beats (middle) and one cue per beat (bottom).

After you add audio cues to a track, you can select them and manipulate them; for example, you can reposition and delete them. You can also hide audio cues at any time.

(top) The Audio Cues button is disabled when there are no audio clips in the Voice or Music tracks. (bottom) After you add one or more audio cues, the Audio Cues button changes color to indicate that there are audio cues on the track.

When you choose Custom Audio Cues, you enter an editing mode that lets you add, delete, and reposition cues. To exit the Custom Audio Cues editing mode, click the Close button in the upper-right corner.

You can use audio cues as snap points when you move clips or photos in the Timeline to position and align media with ease and precision. For information about moving clips, see Moving clips in the Timeline.

In addition, you can fit videos and photos on the Timeline to audio cues. The application adjusts the duration of video segments to match the intervals between audio cues. For more information, see Fitting videos and photos to audio cues.

To add audio cues to a music track

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1 Select an audio clip on the Voice or Music track.
2 Click the Audio Cues button and perform a task from the following table.


Do the following
Add audio cues manually
Click Custom Audio Cues, and do one of the following:
Click on the clip where you want to add the cues.
Place the cursor where you want to add a cue and press F5.
Press the Space bar to start playing the audio, and press F5 to add cues on the fly.
Note: When adding cues manually, you can work only with one clip at a time.
When there are multiple clips on a track, click once to select the clip you want, and then click again to add a cue.
To exit the Custom Audio Cues editing mode, click the Close button .
Add audio cues automatically
Click Auto Audio Cues, and do one of the following:
Enable the Cues per beat option, and choose 1/4 to add one cue per 4 beats or 4/4 to add one cue per every beat.
Enable the Cue interval option, and specify the time interval at which cues are added.
Note: If there are already audio cues on the track when you access the Auto Audio Cues command, you can choose to keep or discard the existing cues.
You can also add cues to multiple clips on the same track. Select the audio clips, click Auto Audio Cues, and choose the option you want.
You can also access the Auto Audio Cues command when you are in the Custom Audio Cues editing mode.


Once you choose Custom Audio Cues, you enter an editing mode that lets you add and delete cues. In this editing mode, you can move the cursor or click in the Timeline, and you can also access the controls on the Player panel. You automatically exit this editing mode when you do one of the following:

Choose a different category in the Library.
Create a new project.
Switch between workspaces or click the Welcome tab.

The Audio Cues button is grayed out when there are no audio clips in the Voice or Music tracks.

After you add one or more audio cues, the Audio Cues button changes color to indicate that there are audio cues on the track.

To select an audio cue

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1 Click the Audio Cues button , and click Custom Audio Cues.
2 Click an audio cue.

To move an audio cue

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1 Click the Audio Cues button , and click Custom Audio Cues.
2 Select an audio cue and do one of the following:
Drag the cue to a new position.
Press the Left or Right arrow key to reposition the audio cue.

To delete an audio cue

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Perform a task from the following table.


To delete
Do the following
An audio cue
Click the Audio Cues button , and click Custom Audio Cues. Do one of the following.
Hover over an audio cue, and when a prompt appears that you can delete the cue, drag the cue outside the audio clip.
Select a cue and press Delete.
Select a cue and press F5.
Tip: To exit the Custom Audio Cues editing mode and return to the Timeline, click the Close button .
All audio cues
Click Audio Cues, and then click Delete All Cues.
Tip: To delete the audio cues in multiple clips on a track, select the clips, click the Audio Cues button , and click Delete All Cues.

To hide or show audio cues

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Click the Audio Cues button to hide all cues.
Click the button again to show them.


Hiding cues does not delete them from a track.

If you enter the Custom Audio Cues editing mode after hiding cues, cues are automatically displayed again.

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